Managing OUTQ`s and SPOOL Files

All the spool files created by the user as well as system goes into a OUTQ. QPRINT is the default outq of the system. Administrator can set default outq for each user so that the spool files created by that users goes to that outq only.

To work with all the outq use following command,

The Work with Output Queues (WRKOUTQ) command allows the user to display and work with either the overall status of all output queues or all output queues that match the qualified generic name specified and to which the user is authorized, or the detailed status of a specific output queue. The status of the queues may change while the command is being run.

To clear the outq use the following command  ,
CLROUTQ  < outq name >

The Clear Output Queue (CLROUTQ) command removes spooled files from the specified queue. The Clear Output Queue (CLROUTQ) command removes all spooled files on the specified output queue if they are waiting to be written on an output device, including files that are in the hold state. Spooled files that are currently being produced by programs or that are being written to an output device are not removed from the queue.

To work with spool files created by particular user use following  command,
WRKSPLF  < user id >

The Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command displays a list of all the spooled files on the system or a selected list from them. You can choose to change, hold, delete, display, or release any or all of the entries that are displayed. 

You can do following activities with the spool file,

User can change the outq of the spool file.Spool file is assign to a printer to print.User can print the spool file pagewise as per the the requirement.