User Profiles

User Profiles
A user profile is an object that identifies a particular user or a group of user to the AS/400 system. The user is known in the system by user profile name. When a workstation signs on, the user id is used to find the user profile setting. The password is defined in the user profile. All AS/400 system security functions rely on the user profile to describe each user. The user profile identifies the authorities to that user.

User Profiles contain information describing a system user, that user's privileges and limitations when using the system, and lists of objects the user owns or is authorized to use. For objects owned by a user, the profile also contains lists of other users' authorizations to those objects.

Group Profiles
A group profile is used to provide the same profile for a group of users. This eliminates the need to assign the authority to each user individually.

A User Profile may be linked to a group profile. This allows all the members of the  group to share common attributes, common access to selected objects, and common ownership of objects.

A group profile is implemented as a user profile; that is, it is created just like a user profile, and when granting authority, the AS/400 does not treat groups any differently than user profiles. The two uses may be intermixed. For easy management it is better that user and group profiles be used as separate entities. One way to enforce this is to set the group profile password to *NONE. This prevents any sign on to the profile.

User Profile Management:
Create User Profile :

The create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF) command identifies a user to the system and allows you to customize the way the system appears.

Delete User Profile

The Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF) command allows a user to delete a user profile from the system. The User Profile cannot be deleted if a user is currently running under the profile
The Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) command changes the values specified in a user profile.  The password validation rules are not verified by the system when a password is changed by this command. 

The Work with User Profiles (WRKUSRPRF) display shows you a list of user profiles that you have authority to use. Only someone with either system security officer or security administrator authority can set up these user profiles which determine what system displays and functions each person is authorized to use.  If you do not have proper authority, only your user profile will be displayed.            
You can do the following with WRKUSRPRF command
  1. Create a user profile
  2. Change a user profile
  3. Copy a user profile
  4. Delete a user profile
  5. Display a user profile
Note: You must have one or more special authorities (such as *SECADM) to perform above operations.